Fields & taxonomy

Embedded metadata

Embedded metadata may contain for example the GPS coordinates of where the picture was taken, the author, the camera, the lens, ... Filerobot can extract these metadata, including ones from custom namespaces (for example model name, product category) and map it to custom metadata.

To enable the extraction of embedded metadata, navigate to Settings > Development > Automations and enable the Extract embedded metadata post process.

Once enabled, Filerobot will extract embedded metadata from asset upon upload and display them in the Details tab of the asset management modal:

To leverage search and collections grouping based on embedded metadata, contact our support team to enable the mapping between embedded metadata and custom metadata.

Custom-defined metadata

The users have the option to define metadata structures, create new fields and group them into different categories. This kind of metadata is defined per Filerobot project (token) and applies to all assets in it. You can have different metadata taxonomies if you have multiple Filerobot tokens.

See Managing metadata.

Last updated